Sunday, August 25, 2013

They Were Doing What?

Yeah, I saw that...I think.

I always get the same question. What is the craziest/wildest thing you have seen while driving? Where to start? Well, I'll give a few examples of what I have seen out here. This is things going on behind the wheel of a car, truck, or on a motorcycle.

For those of you that drive cars on the highway, let me give you an educational tip. I sit much higher than you and can see down in your car. Yes, the view is good most of the time, but, there are the times when what I see causes me to hit the brakes cause I want to be no where near you. I have seen it all, I think. I have seen it in the broad daylight in the middle of rush hour and in the middle of the night when no one else is on the highway but you and me.

It ranges from the mundane to the insane. OK, what we have all seen, big truck or not. She is putting on her makeup using the rearview mirror, or the mirror in the visor. He is using his electric razor headed into work or pick up his girlfriend that the wife does not know about he thinks. Yep, brushing teeth happens now. Talking on the cell phone, not just the bluetooth type. There is the fun ones that hold the phone to their left ear with their right hand because they have been talking so long with their left hand it is too tired to hold the phone and now must hold the steering wheel. Oh, and the dude on the motorcycle texting, are you stupid?  There is eating the big mac and fries, that's ok, but please, do you have to cut up your food on a plate sitting on the seat next to you and drive with your knees?

Hey top of your class at Harvard Business School, do you really need to have the newspaper open and be typing on your laptop at 60 mph on the way to the office? Oh and the other one is so busy he has phone glued to his left shoulder, holding papers in his left hand on the steering wheel and right hand typing on the laptop.

Hey mom!! I know your desire to have that craft completed before the fair is important, but do you really need to be doing plastic canvas at 65 mph in the left lane on a Monday morning with your kid in the car with you?  I know it is windy out and no one should see your hair like that, but roll the window up and you wouldn't have to keep looking in the mirror and brushing your hair.

Big city philanthropist on your way to the big event. I know there is not much time, but do you and your significant other really have to change clothes in Chicago rush hour? I know the car next to you cannot see you but I can. Just because you lay down in the backseat, undress, then put on your on your formal doesn't mean no one saw you. Oh and traffic is stop and go, when you stop use the doors to go between front and back, you look silly climbing over the seat in a tux.

Newlyweds, yes you, young and old. I can see that you really love each other, but, an orgasm can cause wrecks. Wait till you get to the hotel, it's easier to do it there.  The drunk friends in the backseat makin whoopie, I saw you too. It is the middle of the night, but those high tech dash lights are pretty bright, I can see you have no clothes on.

Yep, I've seen it all!!! But wait, there's more!! No this is not an infomercial but you have got to hear this.  I was traveling I-75 south of Knoxville, TN a while back and I saw, it, well I thought I did so I had to speed up and get a second look. It was an SUV, and as they approached I noticed the passenger reaching all the way across to the driver's side. When they got up next to me, the passenger was steering, the driver was playing a guitar.  He was doing what?! Let me pull up there and look again, Yep! he was in fact playing the guitar while his wife steered from the passenger side.

Be careful out there folks. Remember, you do not know what the idiot in front of you is thinking or doing. While you are driving you need to be fully aware of your surroundings and be ready to react.

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